You are hereSome things beg to be shared
Some things beg to be shared
Stormblade dancing in Black Ops Zombie Mode is one of those things
Yes this was a glitch but its not the first time that Stormblade danced during a Zombie apocalypse. He danced for quite a while as Coxxorz, Graybush, DarkNightOwl and I watched, took pictures, took video (duh) and, yes, even danced along. What can I say, it was an HoC party.
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Could be worse, you could have been watching me dance!
Right QBert? Revek? as I think they are the only two on here that watched the videos.
The horror! The horror!
I had finally managed to erase that memory from my err.... Memory. And you had to bring it back!
Where is that wood engraving burning tool so that I can excise it from my brain.