You are hereHalf-pint: the early years

Half-pint: the early years

By Blackwalt - Posted on 28 October 2009

Staying at a friends


So before Half-pint was infected with feline immunodeficiency virus we would drop him off at a cat sitters whenever we went on vacation. Cat sitters in this case meant Q-Bert and his family.

Some of you know that Q-Bert also owns a black and white cat named Taz. No this isn't about an accidental cat swap, this is about cat bullying and sweet revenge.

So Taz was a few months older than Half-pint and as previously mentioned (and scoffed at) Half-pint started life as a very small kitten.

Anyway, during Half-pint's first stay with Q-Bert he was blatantly terrorized and bullied by Taz, a much bigger cat (at the time). Half-pint didn't have a really enjoyable stay. The first time.

Our second trip away made for a much more pleasant visit for Half-pint.

During the four month layover between vacations Half-pint blossomed into his full size. Substantial as you know.

When we dropped off Half-pint in his cat carrier Taz came running to the front hall to greet him. When Half-pint emerged from his carrier Taz was greeted with a sight slightly different than he had remembered. The bully had now become the target. Taz reversed course rapidly and demonstrated to Q-Bert and Blackwalt that he could move pretty quickly when he wanted to. The now substantially bigger Half-pint went after Taz as he had some memories that he wanted to share.

I remember Q-Bert and I laughing over the look of shock apparent on Taz's face.

Akuf's picture

But Half-pint started life as a very small kitten doesn't every other cat as well?

Blackwalt's picture

Just like babies.

Although technically they are all microscopic in size at one point. Half-pint was small, particularly when you consider the size he eventually became.

Thanks for just enjoying the story and not nit-picking. Particularly, where the point being made is fairly obvious. Even Stormblade picked it up.

Stormblade's picture


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