You are hereIt's not you, it's me
It's not you, it's me
In this case you is Microsoft and me is... well... me
So I am not sure how many of you realize that I purchased one of the two Special Edition Halo 3 Xboxs from Coxxorz' story. He didn't buy both.
And it hasn't worked for me. Reliably that is. I have been talking to MS support for the past week. More than normal. And it hasn't being going well. It works until I get kicked off Xbox Live. A problem when I am playing online.
It let's me join most things. Slowly. It's fairly random about passing or failing the Xbox Live connection test. It runs hot (duh! It's a 360). And Xbox live parties? I am in and out and in and out... You get the idea.
I have reset everything. I have swapped locations. Just recently I swapped my new Special Edition Halo 3 Xbox with Coxxorz's. Mine works for him. His fails for me.
What do you know, It's not you, it's me...
Now oddly, in a typical Herd of Cats' way, this story isn't about that.
I know, I know.
It's about my Xbox 360 Core, manufactured 2006-11-23. Count back from there...
The reason I jumped on the Special Edition Halo 3 Xbox deal was that my Xbox 360 core had been acting strangely, locking up and failing.
Last night while trying to stream a video it RRODed on Guba. Yes the dreaded Three Red Lights of Death.
So this morning on the phone to Microsoft I discovered that it was outside the three year period of extended RROD coverage.
Great. Just great.
So, no problem the MS representative says, "just send us a copy of your receipt." Umm, that would be the receipt dated 2005? I can't see how that would help. My Xbox 360 core has already RROD'd twice before and had a failed DVD drive. So...
Guess I'm screwed.
So for the record I have three (3!!!!) Xbox 360 consoles in my house and only one of them is working. I am pretty sure my Elite is sitting there plotting to fail this evening.
I am thinking of building a catapult in my backyard just to see how far I can throw one of these things. I'll be aiming for Coxxorz' house (I can't help it, Stormblade lives too far away).
So right now I am working on two things:
- trying to get my Special Edition Halo 3 Xbox to settle down and work. Right now I have replaced my D-Link gaming router (DGL-4300) with a LinkSys WRT54G and I am trying that)
- Looking at replacing my failed Core with an Arcade Edition from Walmart's black friday sale.
Also, on a totally unrelated note, I am just wondering? Does anyone want to purchase an Xbox 360 Core for parts? Or an extra power supply?
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I seriously find it disturbing that you guys feel compelled to get a second, if not third, xbox 360 simply because there seems to be a high chance that it will RRoD. You don't hear about this happening to the Wii, ds, PS3, etc.
Do you guys all buy a second car just in case the first one fails? A second fridge? House? Well it's your money, so do whatever you want. But I do feel sorry for all of you.
It's just a huge scam by Microsoft I guess.
If my xbox RRoDs out of the warranty then it's back to Steam and Compy games!
A decent computer gaming system is going to run between 1K and 2K. Then you have to live with the inferior gaming experience.
Frankly, I don't consider the cost of owning two XBoxs unreasonable.
the fact that you need more of one of the exact same thing is.
Why doesn't Microsoft just package two xbox's together? They might as well.
You might be onto something there... You could call Microsoft marketing and propose it to them...
They would have to admit their hardware sucks, even though they know it.
Not likely for Microsoft.
It's two Xbox 360s. The Halo Special Edition was purchased to replace the Core which was acting flakey.
And we use both of them:
And previously when one of them died we discovered that we did use them both at the same time.
It's call a life.
It's called a life.
You are talking to swag....
BTW, just had to point out the *ahem*...revek.
Yellow light of death anyone?
Except the house. But I'm working on it...
I'll take the Halo one off your hands.
I mean, what are friends for?
That, and I live too far from a Walmart.
Too bad Graybush thought of it first.
Anyway, I am hopeful that the router changes may get something working. Since it worked fine for Coxxorz for two hours last night.
Any interest in a Core? Cheap?
"Any interest in a Core? Cheap?"
How many red lights?
or Best Buy.
if I have to buy two Xbox's. So basically I am screwed.
$1 and a limited amount of insults