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This confirmed...

By Dark Nightowl - Posted on 11 March 2010

WalMart specialWalMart special

Current WalMart flyer indicates the the "Xbox 360 Core" is now available for $128!
Future Shop still lists the console for $199. You know the drill... PRICE MATCH!
A new Xbox 360 for $120.81? Sweet!

Blackwalt's picture

The basic Xbox 360 model should be the Arcade version. The Core version should no longer exist.

However if you go to the Xbox 360 entry in Walmart's online flyer and click on it, it changes to the Xbox 360 Arcade.

So it is the correct modelwith HDMI and the updated motherboard.

Dark Nightowl's picture

"Updated motherboard"... does this mean a reduced chance of encountering the dreaded RRoD?

Coxxorz's picture

They may misprint the name to prevent people from price matching. In any case, it will be too late to do this tomorrow, as Future Shop and Best Buy should both be following suit on the price drop. Also Superstore, if you're having trouble finding one. But as far as I know, only Blackwalt and Noir will be buying this time around.

And Revek will be doing a Price Protection.

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