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Day 2

By Coxxorz - Posted on 19 May 2010

So due to some clever maneuvering, Blackwalt managed to secure a copy of RDR for some pre-gaming last night.

Unfortunately it's a temporary solution, and his actual purchased copy is still nowhere to be seen.

On the plus side, we did take the opportunity to do and learn some interesting things that should be beneficial to the rest of you when you pick up your copy:

1. Donkeys are stupid. They will gladly accept your command to walk off a cliff. Or walk off all by themselves, if the spirit moves them.
2. Horses don't understand the Friendly Fire concept. Shooting something on the ground in front of the horse you're riding = dead horse. On the plus side, they are aware of cliffs.
3. Moving quickly from town to town is achieved by teleporting at a wagon wheel. Not sure why they bothered with trains in the Old West.
4. There is no way to get to the main menu. Checking for DLC requires quitting the game. Seriously.
5. You CAN kill a bird with a cannon. RDR Coxxchievement #1.

These and other important questions will be answered tonight, during some kind of event involving gaming, the West, and people who don't suck.

To recap:

Coxxorz: yes
Snuffy D: yes
MoriceRevek: yes

Blackwalt: temporarily
Graybush: ?
Q-Bert: ?
Fungster: ?
Hardwood: probably
Karloff: unlikely

swag: fail
Aku: fail
Stormblade: Swagged

Swag's picture

and I saw that Graybush had RDR last night.

MauriceRevek's picture

Now we seem to have 2 possible definitions for swagged. One for reverse-revek, and one for annoying stormblade.

Coxxorz's picture

swagged [swag•ed, swagd] - adjective
To be deprived of something. Without means of subsistence; destitute.

Swag's picture

1. reverse-revek
2. Choosing poorly between two different things.
3. Your above definition.

MauriceRevek's picture

Has it been added to the lexicon?

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