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Heroes: Four Months Ago
They might as well have titled it: "Revelations"
After viewing this episode, two things strike me:
1- 15 minutes was wasted on the twins. We already knew that she killed a whole village. You don't need to make me see it unless you bring in a link with another character.
2- They could have put this episode as the first one of the season and not really changed the ratings. We would not have complained about the last 3 episodes being slow if we had seen this one first.
One of the things that I find particularly well done is that I have no proof that Bob is bad yet, and I have no proof that Adam is bad yet. At least they wrote those arcs carefully.
The Bitch seems to have the power of Persuasion, just like Eden, but she seems to need contact to achieve it. When she was "helping" Nathan last season, she often fixed his ties and stuff. So that makes sense. She is becoming a very human character as they develop her. She just told Nathan's wife to divorce him, and then sees him healed. She will obviously feel responsible for his alcoholism as it develops.
I am not as upset with Elle as I used to be. They are writing better stuff for her and the actress had played her as a bimbo instead of a dominatrix. This personality development suits her better. They will have to show a bit more of her history or else a lot of her actions when she is permitted out of the center will not make any sense.
I really could have done without Nikki's history. It felt like a waste of 20 minutes. It was inconsistent with the past, and the only way it would have been justified would be if Micah was now totally sulky and hitting "the Dark Side".
No Hiro and no cheerleader. Oh well, but at least that meant no West. It could have been a perfect episode, but Sylar showed up for a close-up at the last 10 seconds of the episode, thereby reminding us that there will be one hell of a jumbled up finale this season. Virus+Company+Sylar+Adam's revenge+the writers' strike = WTF ?
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Well I only saw the last half of the episode :(. Oh well, it was lame anyway. Pretty much NONE of the background they showed was good. Any retard could have figured 95% of that stuff out on their own, stupid writers (or lack there of) are just pointing out the obvious. Who is this Bitch girl?
Elen is wicked, could you imagine her in an Emperors costume for Halloween?!
Is Sylar gone yet?
Btw, I don't count this episode as one for my prediction that West would die in ... I believe I say 4 episodes (which I think should have been this one) since he has even in this one.
That is all
Yeah, this was a bit of a jumble, but the episode would better have been called "Catching Up". I like having back story revealed once in a while, but it seems like they were tying up the loose ends and filling in the gaps from the previous crappy writing.
I was thinking the same thing about Mrs. Bitch. I like how they're keeping her a mystery, because she seems to be a connecting thread. That way they can save her for later to explain the next boondoggle. Also like the ambiguity surrounding Bob and Adam.
The Peter/Adam thing seems to be working out as expected. You kind of expected them to play EllectroWhore for a fool, but the escape was still weak. We don't know if Adam got away, but I hope so. He's the most interesting player for me by far right now.
The Nikki thing was bizarre. Bring back DL just to have him shot... again? He had just avoided a sucker punch 5 minutes earlier. What the hell is wrong with his reflexes? At least the multiple personalities thing is getting some needed freshening up. Too bad they cured her already. Supposedly. Anybody else think the Haitian fixed her instead of the drugs... leaving it open for a Jessica comeback?
Next epsiode: mostly Sylar, some Claire/West (I laughed to see him panicked in the last episode). Hiro and Mohinder seem mostly redundant now, but who knows what will happen. They still have to explain cool English Hiro with the soul patch from early on, and his dire warnings about history and time travel. Unless they decided to conveniently forget about that whole subway scene.
Bring back DL just to have him shot... again?
"Hi! I'm D.L. and I miraculously survived a bullet to the gut!"
Greaser aims gun at point blank range into the heart.
"Dodge this."
My guess is contract negociations didn't go well for that actor...