You are hereChample?
I had supper last night with Q-Bert, and we got onto the subject of my brain (yes, I do have one), the tremors in my hands and my diminishing capacity to maintain a coerrant conversation without loosing track of the words that I am trying to say.
Today, while typing at my keyboard, I was trying to write "PropertyChanged", and wound up typing "PropertyChample". I looked at the keyboard, and the messed up letters are nowhere near the ones that I was supposed to write. What does this mean?
All Explained: Super Chample All Stars –editor.
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I should loan you some of my medication. You don't have constipation problems, right?
No offence but I am starting to think you are turning out to be less of man than swag...
I am completly confused as to how typing chample instead of change is a measure of manhood.
BTW, up until that video was posted, I had no clue that they even existed. Blackwalt (or whomever was the editor that made the edit) is the one who knew about super chample.
Sounds perfectly coerrant to me.