You are here"Let's make sure this time" LAN party a complete success.

"Let's make sure this time" LAN party a complete success.

By Blackwalt - Posted on 29 November 2007

Storm, Q-Bert and Coxxorz enjoy the Arthouse film that is DOA: Dead or AliveStorm, Q-Bert and Coxxorz enjoy the Arthouse film that is DOA: Dead or AliveAnd frankly not being able to play with Karloff was a good thing. Of course, he is ignoring the successful hour of play before we broke for supper.

We stuck with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for the entire evening and enjoyed watching Stormblade improve and Q-Bert get worse over the entire evening.

We managed to watch bad video game movies on the big screen for the entire night, ending with Gia (not technically a video game movie but Angelina, so who cared).

And remember these excuses for any official interviews you may be experiencing in the next few weeks.

    "Honest, he left before I did officer"
    "Virtually Officer, virtually... Most of the time."
    "Sorry, that name doesn't ring a bell. His car is in my driveway?? Isn't that odd..."
    "No Habla Francois Gringo."
    "We can't find the body"
    "COD4 is not an addiction. I can kill Stormblade any time I want... ... I mean..."
    "Stormblade is funny"
Noir's picture

For a LAN party, there seems to be no one actually using their PCs. Odd. I also see no alcoholic beverages.

Q-Bert's picture

We are enjoying DOA, so we are OBVIOUSLY sloshed... We don't need to drink any MORE.

Coxxorz's picture remove the Tonka trucks from the vicinity of the shallow grave. I mean "herb garden".

Q-Bert's picture

... that I was that sexy from the back.

Swag's picture

Or the old guy on the right? Maybe the old guy on the couch? I can't tell.

Coxxorz's picture

My eyes ain't what they used to be, ya damn whipper-snapper...

Ice's picture

But as they say

The proof is a proof. And the proof is a proof when it is proven.

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