You are hereHello Lincoln, Nebraska!!!!

Hello Lincoln, Nebraska!!!!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 03 December 2007

I know that personally Lincoln, Nebraska means nothing to me. Until yesterday that is. Stormblade left a phone message yesterday from Lincoln, Nebraska. Although, to be accurate, Lincoln, Nebraska didn't mean anything to me until today, when I actually listened to the message.

Apparently, 402 is the area code for Lincoln, Nebraska. (I know there isn't supposed to be anything educational on but that just slipped in.) This would explain the two calls from Unknown Caller with the 402 area code. Well there, now I know. Of course, the odds of ever getting a call for Lincoln again are pretty small...

So that's where Stormblade was yesterday and he should make it to Boulder, Colorado sometime today. He was so perturbed that we didn't answer the phone that he has withheld an interesting story from us. Although, if it doesn't contain Monkey Breeding Scientists or zombies I don't really consider it interesting. Zombies can save any story.

And why stay in Lincoln, Nebraska when there are much more interesting cities available like Bee, Nebraska; Colon, Nebraska; Funk, Nebraska; Gross, Nebraska; Ithaca, Nebraska; Oshkosh, Nebraska or Wahoo, Nebraska.

Lincoln, Nebraska is just boring in comparison.

Stormblade's picture

No, I think that one had centaurs, pixies, grumpy old drunken men, the mob, Morley's thugs, rightist militants, some babes and of course the Dead Man and the Goddamn Parrot, but no zombies.

Coxxorz's picture

I'm pretty sure we shipped the coffin directly south of the border...

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