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News about Saints Row 3
It's vague but it's news
Computer and Videogames has an interview with Danny Bilson, THQ's VP of core games. Saints Row 3 is mentioned with a 2011 release. Wait a second! We're in 2011! Woo hoo!
Oh. And by the way THQ has a new logo also.
- We sat down with the man himself to discuss upcoming games including this year's Saints Row 3 - as well as future prospects Devil's Third and Guillermo Del Toro's InSane. Although more tight-lipped than usual, it wasn't long before Bilson's natural sprightliness came to the fore...
Via N4G.
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As you didn't post it here.
And it's been in the queue for three days. I like to space things out until they are no longer timely...
It was the Random HoC Story.