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Contest: How much of an @$$hole can Q-Bert be ?

By Q-Bert - Posted on 01 May 2011

It has come to my attention that I have recently acquired the capacity to be the ultimate co-worker @$$hole to one of our members. This had been brewing in the background for the last few months as I have changed contracts and the member in question has been between jobs. As far as I know, his new job is now confirmed (I hope to hell I am not wrong).

Our fates are now linked since last week. I wonder if this member yet knows ?

So, I am the system administrator on the team. The question is: how much of an @$$hole should I be ?

I am looking for ways that I can be a PITA to this member without putting the project in jeopardy and not getting us both fired outright. The member will be onsite wheras I do all of my work from my hammock (with drink in hand) at home, via wireless. I know, I know, I sacrifice so much for my team....

Any suggestions ?

Stormblade's picture

Spent 4 hours working with Q-Bert to set up my VPN access. He finally figures out it's my firewall that's stopping the VPN client from working.


Does anyone else see the irony in this?

MauriceRevek's picture

To recompile your kernel?

Blackwalt's picture

I can not believe you are even asking for help with this.

Coxxorz's picture

Randomly change his login credentials.

Actually, anything that starts with "randomly" would do the trick.

Q-Bert's picture

Considering I am giving him his VPN certificate today, I could do exactly that. But I was thinking more of using "asswipe" as a username, since that will appear in the VPN logs each time he will login from home.

We are supposed to use firstname+last initial, but I could make a case to management that his was too complex for the machine and I had to use a known alias instead.

MauriceRevek's picture

You tell him over the phone hte user name and password, and then you say:

By they way, Revek spelled it. Have fun guessing.

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