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HoC experiences Dead Island: the continuing saga

By Blackwalt - Posted on 18 September 2011

Yet another pants optional post. I'll let you guess.

So I am Level 30 and 70% done the main quest. I am travelling back in the maps to finish off optional quests now to delay continuing the main game.

Single player seems to be dragging a little. If only there was a multi-player option...

I am hoping some people will still want to play this after Gears of Bro-fest 3 comes out. Who knows.

I have travelled to the jungle, the third of five maps. I seem to have broken at least one quest despite following the instructions. It had five steps but when I finished step two the other three disappeared. Odd.

Zombies keep respawning everywhere. Odd for a Zombie survival game I know but...

Twice in the Police Station I decided to run back out of the station after finishing the quest. Running through the zombies instead of fighting them - running through the path I had just cleared. Arriving at the top of the stairwell a zombie spawned directly in front of me. I saw him appear out of nowhere. I was a bit of a disconnect and I thought I had just missed something. Until it happened the second time in the exact same place.

Anyway, still enjoying, still wanting to play it, still hoping to try co-op.


SeanmcR6's picture

I'm picking this up this long as I can find it in stock here.

Blackwalt's picture

I'll add you to the list of people I don't play this game with...

SeanmcR6's picture

I tried...but it doesn't seem that anyone has this game available here :(

Why can't they just do digital distribution? Seriously. Doesn't cost them a lot, especially if they forgo the hard copy production...and don't say bandwidth, cause if Adobe can distribute CS5 by download (1.8 GB) then game devs & MS have no excuse.

Coxxorz's picture

And it's the punitive data rates we end users pay in Canada, not the cost of hosting the file. Most users here are limited to 60GB per month, with criminal overage charges after that. I could give a crap what it costs Adobe/MS. You think they'll reduce the price of their games after "downloading" the cost of production/distribution to us?

Coxxorz's picture

Asked if there was a problem with my order. Immediately got a canned reply back that my order has been released for shipping, and will get a confirmation with tracking number soon. I should expect to receive it in 2 to 7 days.

Except Canada Post doesn't ship on weekends.

Goddam liars.

MauriceRevek's picture

Means either that it is sitting on their shipping dock waiting for CP to pick it up (that is if they do pick up), or that they set the flag on your order in their database to "Release for Shipping" and that as soon as THEY have a copy to send out, they will "release" it to you. Either way, nothing about their statement tells you when they will actually sent it out their door.

Coxxorz's picture

Which as far as I'm concerned, means they still don't even have it.

Coxxorz's picture

I just got the shipping notification!

But as expected, Canada Post has no record of any such tracking number.

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