You are hereOh, won't you please take me home ...or not

Oh, won't you please take me home ...or not

By Blackwalt - Posted on 31 January 2008

UPDATE: It's on! See above story.

    Take me down to the paradise city
    Where the grass is green
    And the girls are pretty
    Take me home (Oh, won't you please take me home)

I know you all remember our Burnout Paradise plans for tonight.

Except, of course, that maybe...



I might not be attending.

Now wait, don't string me up yet. Let's save that fun for later.

Earlier this week Guba's plans were canceled. Her host had a death in her extended family and the party was canceled. It is still canceled but Guba has offered to help out as a baby sitter so that her friend can attend the wake and funeral. All good, kind, and generous things. Charitable things. Things that you shouldn't be killing me over. Please?

So Rolly and I will have our night together as you guys have your night together.

Hopefully, if things go well, I will be able to join in later but no guarantees.

My start time, which originally would have been around 7:30 has now moved to at least 9:30.

But you guys can still have fun making Stormblade play a game he doesn't enjoy. Be sure to take him down for me. Many, many times.

Stormblade's picture

that I really, really, really, really hate you!!

Blackwalt's picture

From Teamxbox comes this list of unlockable cars.

    These are sponsor-oriented cars that EA and Criterion put into the game. Pause your game and change menus so you can select the “Sponsor Product Code” entry, then put in these codes one at a time. Be sure to pay attention to upper/lower case and spaces in the codes, because it matters. Also, as soon you acquire them, you can use any of the cars in online racing, but you can’t use them around Paradise City until you have a certain class of license, as noted when you successfully enter each code. (If you don’t see the license-limitation message, you already have the necessary license.)

bestbuy—Gives you the Best Buy car
circuitcity—Gives you the Circuit City car
gamestop—Gives you the GameStop car
walmart—Gives you the Wal-Mart car
U84D 3Y8K FY8Y 58N6—Gives North American players the Steel Wheels car
Z891 4K88 IN25 79AA—Gives European players the Steel Wheels car

Q-Bert's picture

... I bring the rope. Anyone bringing hot fetters ?

Blackwalt's picture

To erase your entire friends list?

No reason.

Blackwalt's picture

And how would I recover said friends list?

Coxxorz's picture

Why are they hot?

MauriceRevek's picture

But I am guessing he wanted to say hot tared and feathered, but could not remember how to spell 'hot tar' and came accross the other term.

Stormblade's picture

I think tar and feathers would do fine and are probably easier to obtain.

Coxxorz's picture

Maybe he thinks it's hot to be tied and shackled?

Anyway, I vote we all chip in to buy an Iron Maiden for Blackwalt. And no, I don't mean the rock band.

Stormblade's picture

Music from the band would be more painful ...

Coxxorz's picture

...who likes the G&R intro music in Burnout Paradise.

Stormblade's picture

Don't mess with GNR man!! Axle will get you!!!

Coxxorz's picture

That's just asking for developmental problems during childhood. I wonder how his sister "Sprocket" turned out.

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