You are hereBorderlands 2 brings the Ultimate Loot!

Borderlands 2 brings the Ultimate Loot!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 21 May 2012

Gearbox shows everyone how to make an ultimate edition

The Ultimate Loot Chest Limited Edition ($149.99 MSRP) packs

  • an exclusive SteelBook case
  • numbered certificate of authenticity
  • creatures of Pandora wide format ID chart
  • four lithograph postcards with a Marcus Kincaid bobble head
  • hardbound art book
  • cloth map of Pandora
  • comic book download
  • four sticker set
  • all packed in a replica loot chest!

They had me at Borderlands 2 and then totally oversold me with the "all packed in a replica loot chest."

Replica loot chest...

There are two more pictures of the replica loot chest at the end of the story that I stole from the Cheap Ass Gamer forums.

More information: Borderlands 2 Cover Art and Special Editions revealed

For those of you that don't like extras with your gaming they have two lesser versions.

The Deluxe Vault Hunter's Collectors Edition ($99.99 MSRP) includes

  • an authentic Marcus Kincaid bobble head
  • hardbound art book
  • map of Pandora
  • comic book download
  • a four sticker set

And here is the cover of the boring, regular, plebe edition. You know, for Stormblade...

Two more replica loot chest pictures as promised:

I am assuming that the dachshund is included for scale.

Coxxorz's picture

...but lost me at "$149".

HardW00D's picture

Got excited but then saw it was a bunch of paper and a bobble head...for 150$.....pass...

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