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Apple Sucks!
Just when I thought I was getting my finances under control, along comes Time Capsule. A completely pointless, expensive, super cool router/backup device (twitch, shake). I have avoided caving (for three whole weeks) by telling myself that it couldn't possibly be as super cool and easy to use as it looks.
So now I have to fork out $500 (for the 1TB version, the 500GB version is $300, but why bother??) I don't have just because I am physically incapable of stopping myself from going into debt when faced with such coolness.
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Funny, Cnet seems confused by the same setup screens Gizmodo found user-friendly. I also don't see the full review they promised for "Monday", so take their opinions with a grain of salt.
But couldn't you just buy any NAS drive and achieve the same thing? Or add any external USB hard drive to an Airport base station? That gives you the excuse to buy Apple goodies, but maintain some sanity in the price-per-gigabytes department.
Actually, with the fact that my wireless router is older than the hills and this thing comes with Gigabit WAN/LAN and also has a USB port so you can keep adding storage, the price isn't that bad.
And, as you say, it's purty!