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Not a post by Q-bert

By Dark Nightowl - Posted on 06 September 2010

But this is a post about zombies. More accurately, it's a trailer for a new TV series called "The Walking Dead."
It's based an Image comic by Robert Kirkman that was initially published in 2003.

To find out more about The Walking Dead, go here...

Better yet, read the trade paperbacks. There are thirteen of them. At least the first nine are available to borrow from the Ottawa Public Library.

Swag's picture

might be pretty good.

Personal Game Reviewer's picture

Don't ever compare Kirkman to anyone else! Kirkman is a genius! If you don't believe me, pick up a few issues of Invincible, or Guarding the Globe, Astounding Wolfman, Tech Jacket, Ultimate X-Men or Marvel Zombies ... seriously is Robert Kirkman is behind it, it will be BE AWESOME!

Coxxorz's picture

Well Peter Jackson was behind the new Halo movie, and look how THAT turned out.

Coxxorz's picture

I always knew they could make a viable zombie TV series out of Dawn of the Dead or 28 Days Later. I guess this was the cheaper way to do it.

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