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My laptop bites the dust.

By Q-Bert - Posted on 04 September 2007

Well, my Powerbook has seen a few countries and a few airplane cargo holds, so I guess it is fair to say it's "weathered"... but I think it is also dead now.

All apps now crash one-by-one. All fans are blowing fulltime. Nothing really running in the background.

I think the motherboard is finally cracked. This thing has been dropped on the floor so many times, it's a miracle it's a alive at all anymore.

I priced a replacement, but $4K CDN will hurt. At least I get a Windows-capable/OSX-capable laptop in one shot.

That should permit me to run Windoze games once in a while without having to pilfer one of my servers, or setup camp on Agathe's machine.

I just don't want to cough up the cash, dammit...

Coxxorz's picture

a 20" would be pretty portable, sexy, and cheap at $1299...

Q-Bert's picture

Especially when I am on the plane ?

Coxxorz's picture

$4K would buy a lot of these.

Blackwalt's picture
Blackwalt's picture

But wouldn't a more basic MacBook be sufficient for less than half the price?

Q-Bert's picture

I am not going to live with less screen realestate than I have now ...

Besides, they take a max RAM of 2 Gigs...

Coxxorz's picture

You sound like you could use some kind of corporate discount.

Even better... if you know a student or teacher, the edumacation discount is more.

Then there's always the Apple Certified refurb option. Full warranty, less money.

Q-Bert's picture

But the laptops only have 2Gigs of RAM, and I really wanted 4Gigs. The refurbs' RAM take both slots too...
SO, I would have to junk the RAM that comes with it and get 4 Gigs new RAM. That makes the price almost identical to a new 15-inch Macbook Pro.

Stormblade's picture

It's way cheaper and you don't need no stinkin' laptop!

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