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Heroes: Out of Time

By Q-Bert - Posted on 08 November 2007

Isn't that the best title ever?

The only way this particular episode would have been better would be if West was decapitated by a Predator in front of Claire.

C'mon, admit you want to see that.

So, again an episode shines by the absence of Sylar and the twins. They also left out Copycat. Do they read this blog perhaps ? If so, here's a few questions:

- Why did Kensei look surprised the first time he healed? My theory was that he had no powers but the Princess had the power of Protection; anyone she was attracted to would heal. I would expect her not to be aware of her power. With this episode, we learn that Kensei is regenerative like Claire.

- Why wait 7 episodes to actually bring out an Uber-arc ? You can't end the last season with "the boogeyman" as an arc-hint and then wrap it up in 7 episodes and bring out this Virus arc thing. This just tells me that they asked the writers to think only 3 episodes ahead.

- Why does Nathan see himself as burnt ? We all expected the explanation to involve Maury, but that's low probability now.

- Why is Jessica gone ? I think it's this one that rubs me the worse. I know most people think of her as a throw-away character, but it is amazingly bad writing to lay complex character constraints (like the tatoo that appears when Jessica is in control and the strength power is being used) and then just never mention it again because it's not convenient.

Matt's powers morphs inside of 2 minutes and he defeats his father. Nice. Perhaps next Episode, we could have Molly grow muscles like the Hulk for 4 minutes because it would be convenient for the story line.

Now, the last 10 seconds of this episode is what made it a "Yeehaw, Heroes is back!" instead of "Ugh, if I see West again, I will rip my eyeballs out"; and let's not kid ourselves. The fact that Adam is in Montreal, in our Timeline can only mean two things: 1. Hiro somehow brings him from the past (before the powder explosion) to the present, or 2. Adam is immortal. We all think it is (2). That brings about a few explanations about what has come before:

Claire is a decendant of Adam, or his direct daughter.

The symbol is Adam's genealogical line or crest. He is the company, or he is against the company.

Jessica works for Adam. The Haitian works for Adam. Adam gave Peter his necklace. Mohider's father's research is really about Adam's bloodline.

I bet the next episode's title will be: "Heroes: We promise we will do better"

Coxxorz's picture

Finally watched this epsode on PVR after avoiding this site like the plague (well, more like the plague than usual). I liked it!

I think Kring's comments (from the link in Noir's post) explain it very well. We all noticed how broken the pacing and storyline were the last two episodes were, it's nice to see this acknowledged. Now fix it!

On to the autopsy...

Kensei probably didn't know about his powers before, because he was young and a bit of a coward, thereby avoiding serious harm until that point. The fact that he survived the blast should not have come as a surprise, but his appearance at the end was still unexpected. More on that later.

I agree that the viral apocalypse subtext should have come up way sooner. Until now, it just seemed like an afterthought, with Peter's future jump looking like an illusion or meaningless substory like Hiro's extended vacation. At least Peter's stranding of his Irish girlfriend in the future had the side effect of ensuring she survives the virus.

They really did drop the ball with Nikki/Jessica. I was wondering when they were going to reveal someone with super strength, but I guess in a way that's her. It's just that they've muddled it up with the whole eviltwin/rage thing. I think it's cool that this is the first episode we've actually seen her strength in action, but I still hope for a strong dude without the baggage. Even if s/he's disposable.

Surprisingly, I like how they wrapped up the Parkman bit. Although I am fond of the Hulk scenario you proposed.

Back to Kensei...

Anybody else catch the ADAM reference? As in THE FIRST? Hellooooo... is this thing on? I am very excited about this development. I didn't infer from this that Hiro brought him back to the present. Quite the opposite: I'm thinking he's the first/oldest/angriest of the lot... essentially immortal due to his healing abillity. Remember his 'last' words to Hiro: "As long as I have breath, anything you love I will lay to waste. I swear. You will suffer."

So now he's a powerful member of the "original 9" (or whatever's left), determined to wreck Hiro's shit. The way I see it, he's there to brainwash Peter into a teleportation slave so he can go back and change history in his favour. Image the power he would have had today if he got half the kingdom he was promised? Hiro's foiling of that plot must really burn his ass every morning. For hundreds of years. It's revenging time! Another alternative is that he created this virus (since he can withstand it) as part of said revenge.

I like the idea of everyone being descended from Adam (there's that reference again), and Dr. Suresh was starting to catch onto the Adam lineage and had to be silenced.

I don't trust Bob and his explanation that they need Claire's healing ability for the cure. They already had two healers (Peter and Adam), so why get Claire, other than as bait for HRG?

A parting thought. Are all the healers inherently immortal? Discuss.

Noir's picture

Well, I already talked about the Claire thing.

I am trying to decide if decapitation is the best way to kill West. I would actually prefer the Predator to impale him to a wall with the spear (or pick him out of the sky with the spear.), then blow each of his limbs off with the pulse rifle, then shot the net on his face and finally when the net has sliced his ugly ass face all up finish it with a disc throw to the throat and let his life juice flow from him. At which point the predator can tare West from the wall and use his blades to rip out his spine and skull as a FINE trophy. I think thats better.

I disagree with the point you made about Matt. I thought it was good how he finally realized it was never his fault. Then he figured out that his traumatic past was really his fathers and used it against him. Maybe now Parkman will stop being such a sissy and kick some ass.

I surprised how poor Nicky got tooled so easily. I guess when you don't use logic, but instead emotions, to rule your life it makes you weak against mind manipulation. Who would have known.

Eitherway, once again, I am glad that Heroes is back in action.

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