Sadly, a typical IM conversation...
MSN Warning: Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.
- Blackwalt says: tygerteam broke!!
Blackwalt says: Tell Q-Bert to fix
MoriceRevek says: Credit card number please
We're back.
Sorry about the short site outage. We suspect Q-Bert was angry about his new profile photo.
Steps are being taken (Q-Bert is out behind the woodshed being whipped as we speak).
It shouldn't happen again.
HoC Accessories Order Placed
My credit card hates all of you.
The order is coming from the US, so there will probably be customs charges. I will work out the shipping and customs charges as a percentage of everybody's individual order.
We'll arrange pickup from Blackwalt's house once the order arrives.
Maybe we should arrange it as a gaming night, since we'll want to kill things once we get the bill.
Confirmed: No Crackdown 2 because Microsoft Sucks
The hotly anticipated sequel to our favourite Xbox 360 game of the year WILL NOT HAPPEN, according to game developer Real Time Worlds.
"Microsoft were a little late in stepping up to the plate to ask for Crackdown 2, and by then we had already started working on bigger, better things".
This, of course, does not preclude the possibility of the publishing behemoth finding another developer to carry the franchise forward. Because switching developers works so well (remember Rainbow Six Lockdown, Unreal II?) Read more
Angelina Jolie Crotch Shot
That should get Snuffy's attention.
Since we've blown away our family rating (see Q-Bert's avatar), I thought the timing right to post a revealing photo of Angelina Jolie, spread-eagled in front of the camera.
The bad news:
1) It's a virtual Angelina
2) She's fully clothed
3) It's Blackwalt in drag...
Where is Snuffy D?
It's true, we wouldn't make him an admin but that's because we aren't brain dead yet.
You don't give keys of an online kingdom to a luddite. It's just wrong.
However, he was the driving force to getting the website started and one of the trio of founding members.
He also coined the clan name and got us started as Herd of Cats.
All this to be proud of and he has yet to make an appearance other than this small snippet.
Typical Snuffy, tease us and leave us hanging. Read more
HoC Accessories Order - Again (sigh)
Ok, I have put off the order because, as I was compiling the list of goodies, I realized that Revek hadn't bothered to provide a size for the 'Snipered' shirt he wanted. There would be humour value in ordering an XS for him, but since I am paying, and collecting might be difficult, I decided against this. Barely.
SO, that means I will be placing the order tomorrow (Sunday) morning in order to give him time to decide on a size. After that, he'll have to order it on his own.
If any of the rest of you want something in the combined order, let me know.
Operation Help Q-Bert Get an Xbox 360
Okay, so let's put our normally divergent heads together, and come up with a way to get our beloved webmaster a next (current?) generation console, since buying one clearly isn't an option.
I'm thinking contests. Here's my contribution to the list:
• Mountain Dew/7-11:
Maximum of 3 entries per email address per day, and you get a free 48-hour Live code.
• Pepsi "Score Every Hour":
Starts Saturday, and you can enter hourly (I'll find some PIN codes)
• The Source:
One entry per week
ShackNews has an update on Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead is a upcoming four person cooperative game from Valve on PC and Xbox 360.
The premise has four survivors trying to escape from a ravening horde of zombies. ZOMBIES!!! Can't wait.
Check out the ShackNews Hands on preview.
R6V and me
I have a problem. In the quick reaction world of R6V, I can't hit the broad side of a bus.
I can sneak pretty well, I can cover pretty well (as long as it's not Blackwalt the Uncoverable). I can pinpoint my enemies pretty well. I cling to the wall, peak around the corner, line them up and ...
... miss. Consistently.
Pointing right at a guy, emptying my clip. Only to find I have missed, I need to reload, and then I'm dead.
This is not like Q-Bert's problem (one of many). I don't point at the floor. Nor do I have Revek's problem of getting mauled by rogue doors. Read more
HoC Accessories Order
Ok, I am planning to place the order this evening so let me know who's in. We'll arrange a pickup night at Blackwalt's place once it comes in. I have Blackwalt's and Revek's orders, so anyone else just add your requirements to a comment on this message.
Orders close at 8PM tonight.
HoC vs. the Terrorist Doors - the rematch
I assume we are all in for a rematch?
9:30ish again?
Bright light city gonna set my soul
Gonna set my soul on fire
Got a whole lot of ammo that's ready to burn,
So get those sights up higher
There's a thousand evil doors waitin' out there
And they're all livin' devil may care
And I'm just the devil with bullets to spare
Viva las vegas, viva las vegas
HoC Accessories Order
Ok, I can no longer properly function without some HoC accessories. Especially the beer stein. Oh, and the M for Moron shirt.
So, are we going to do a combined order or is it every cat for himself ...
... as usual. Read more
Terrorist doors, 1 – HoC, 0
Stormblade may have his own take on our evening of Rainbow Six coop.
But my version is slightly different.
Its a good thing that Rainbow Six Vegas only supports four players in coop because I would hate to see what more of us could do. Read more
R6V HoC Style
1. a number of persons forming one of the sides in a game or contest: a football team.
2. a number of persons associated in some joint action: a team of advisers.
3. two or more horses, oxen, or other animals harnessed together to draw a vehicle, plow, or the like.
4. one or more draft animals together with the harness and vehicle drawn.
5. a family of young animals, esp. ducks or pigs (or cats). Read more