Escape from the mad scientist

By Ice - Posted on 26 August 2007

Ok. I'll admit they all seemed normal. I should have known better.

It was a small compound in a wooded area, just a few miles from the border. The perfect location for the sick experiments within.

It wasn't till the second night that I realized the purpose. To create a genetically superior monkey. Project "Build a Monkey", I'm sure it was an alcohol conceived conspiracy to make a monkey smarter than a cat. Read more

Another Xbox 360 post

By Blackwalt - Posted on 26 August 2007

No reason.

For another "no particular reason" I now know that an Xbox 360 Elite comes with a wired headset, an ethernet cable, a component video cable, an audio break out adapter, a hdmi cable as well as the standard 120 gb HD, xbox console, and power stuff.

And no, I only had it in my hands...

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

By Stormblade - Posted on 26 August 2007

If you add it to the worst movie list, I will vote. It is the only movie I have ever bought that I threw in the garbage.

And I have never seen any of those on your list. I take it that's a good thing.

I have only been gone 6 days!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 26 August 2007

And the site is a disaster.

No one's posting, no updates, Just bickering and abuse.!!

Its like I never left.

Seriously, try to make a guy feel missed why don't you.

Herd of Cats - living proof.

PS- I am writing this using a Blues Clues mouse.

Look who I found moonlighting as an African American Rapper

By Stormblade - Posted on 22 August 2007

The Bear Sucks Now

By Coxxorz - Posted on 22 August 2007

As you may have noticed, the morning show on 106.9 FM has taken a turn for the worse lately, since Brad Dryden has "left" (that's another story). Cub and Jacqui are still alright, tho. It's just the new guy who sounds like he recently graduated from broadcasting in Trenton.

Anyway, there's a poll up, so feel free to put in your 2 bits. Also, I've whipped up this bumper sticker, as well as a couple shirts to help drum up support. I'm not saying they'll bring Brad back, but hey – you never know...

Remember the basics of photography, kids!

By Q-Bert - Posted on 21 August 2007

Always have Flash in a dark room:

Combined CafePress order.

By Blackwalt - Posted on 21 August 2007

As well as a quick note that I am away for the next week or so I wanted to mention something that Stormblade and I spoke about.

Physically that is. That's right Stormblade and I were in the same room at the same time (at my place) and had a real conversation. Totally whacked I know. Read more

Last LAN party

By Q-Bert - Posted on 20 August 2007

Just thought I should post a picture from our last LAN party...

Ikea and Blackwalt discuss As-is

By Blackwalt - Posted on 20 August 2007

As mentioned in my blog yesterday I finished setting up Rolly's new bed.

It turned out to have a fairly noticeable crack in one of the ends. We had purchase As-is and final sale saving $150 bucks. But choose the bed marked "packaging" and checked carefully the content of the damaged box.

Turns out the split wood was in the undamaged box. Figures. Read more

Chat Feature

By Stormblade - Posted on 20 August 2007

There should be a chat feature on the site for those online. At least, I think it would be cool.

Hey, Q-Bert, get on it, will ya?

Waah!!! Broken Xbox 360! AGAIN!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 19 August 2007

Its a bad news and good news kind of thing.

Update: picture added.

Bad News: My Xbox 360 Core system failed last night. This is my second Core system failure in exactly the same way. Unfortunately not with the 3 red lights of death (free warranty replacement) but with a frozen display with artifacts all over.

Civ tonite

By Q-Bert - Posted on 19 August 2007

Mikes, Maurice, and me are playing newest Civ multi-player tonite.
Anyone else ?

Must-haves for Stormblade

By Stormblade - Posted on 19 August 2007

Ok, in anticipation of the impending arrival of the Stormblade gaming system, I have been working on acquiring the necessary game foundation in order to properly participate HOPC activities. I have already secured COD3 and I know GRAW2 and R6: Vegas are requirements. Read more

Age old Pirates vs. Ninjas question to be settled with dodgeball

By Coxxorz - Posted on 19 August 2007

Finally, there's a studio brave enough to answer this burning question. Blazing Lizard Inc. aims to do so with a downloadable game on a "to-be-announced" home console system in the first quarter of 2008. In case you're still reading, there is multiplayer support for 8 players online, and 4 players co-op(!)

If you don't believe me, read for yourself.

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