Boss... I'm sick and I need to go home...

By Blackwalt - Posted on 25 September 2007

**cough, cough**

What is it? Halositis something or other...

Symptoms? uhh... red blurry eyes, dry mouth, I can't seem to sleep and my thumbs are sore...

What? Yes, thumbs... and I think one of my legs is asleep...

"Get into the office you f****** lazy ass..." Sorry, boss I think my phones dying, I'm losing you....

Limited edition Halo 3 comes with limited damage....

By Blackwalt - Posted on 25 September 2007

TeamXbox has more information complete with pictures.

Glad I picked the regular edition now.

A New Car!

By Stormblade - Posted on 24 September 2007

Yes, I finally broke down and did it. After several months of procrastination, followed by several months of pain and agony trying to get my license transfered from NJ, I have gone out and bought a car. My parents are relieved, because they can have their car back. Blackwalt is also relieved because I won't need the CR-V for anything. Read more

9.7 at TeamXbox for Halo 3

By Blackwalt - Posted on 23 September 2007

Yes Snuffy D, that is out of 10.

I didn't read the review as I am waiting for the game itself but if you want to you sicko, spoiler loving, scum, it is available here.

Game Times

By Q-Bert - Posted on 22 September 2007

I have created a Google Calendar for Game Times, as requested by Coxxorz. I have sent out Invite links, and you have to use these in order to add events. I also added a link at the top menu to view the calendar. You need to be logged into Google in order to view the calendar. Read more

Sadly, these Military Hand Signals are pretty much us...

By Blackwalt - Posted on 21 September 2007

I am sure we use at least half of them every gaming session.

What HoC hand signals would be

Could it be our Leader?

By Ice - Posted on 21 September 2007

You may have herd of Linkedin, its a social networking site for professionals. How do I know about this? Well not because Guba sent me an invite. I admit the person she did sent the invite to is much more professional then myself, but I digress.

So after being invited by a friend, I decided to join, and extend my network beyond those of mad scientest and people that read this blog. Read more

CafePress Order

By Stormblade - Posted on 21 September 2007

I received an e-mail today from CafePress asking me to rate the shopping experience, so I guess that means they've shipped the order. I am hoping it will be here in time for next Friday. I will need my 'Rated M' shirt.

If it does, I'll bring the stuff with me. Except Revek's, he doesn't deserve it after the number of times he's 'team' killed me recently.

Halo Count plug in

By Akuf - Posted on 21 September 2007

Gotta breed them all!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 21 September 2007

F@NB0Y$ seems to understand Snuffy D's wife fairly well.


By Coxxorz - Posted on 20 September 2007

Cnet has posted a (brief) article on the Neo1973, a hackable Linux-based phone that uses an open source operating system.

Sounds cool if you like answering calls using the command line prompt.

"Not a team player"

By Q-Bert - Posted on 20 September 2007

... well actually, it's the opposite...

I tried to play Supreme Commander last night. I had played a full hour last week, and it was OK; but just OK. So, I turned it off after 5 minutes last night, electing instead to watch Holmes on Homes on the Tivo. Read more

HDMI not so HD

By Blackwalt - Posted on 20 September 2007

Not with Rainbow Six Vegas anyway.

So I have used HDMI on my Xbox Elite before. To watch DVDs, not play games. I used it this weekend to watch Casino Royale and was impressed by the quality of the picture. It was sweetness and light and I stared at the TV mesmerized.

The TV in question is a Viewsonic 37" LCD 1080i with a resolution of 1360x768. With HDMI in case you were wondering.

I couldn't wait until I tried gaming through HDMI. Couldn't wait.

Until I tried it that is. Read more

Top 10 Google Search

By MauriceRevek - Posted on 20 September 2007

Wow! We are in the top 10 list on search results for the term "Herd of Cats".

Who would have thought?

Sega Rally!

By Coxxorz - Posted on 20 September 2007

I shrieked with glee when I first read that the demo had been released on Live. I couldn't wait to get home. Anticipation turned to disappointment when I realized that this is not the rally game you're waiting for. But whatever, it's a racing game, and you can't go wrong with Sega, right?

Maybe. Read more

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