Friendly Fire is ON!
- [HOC] INSERTNAMEHERE killed Teammate
And that pretty much covers our night of Rainbow Six Vegas
I'm gonna keep on the run
I'm gonna have me some fun
If it costs me my very last nade
If I wind up dead oh well
I'll never remember that I'm playin co-op
I'm gonna give it every grenade I've got
Lady luck please let the incendiary stay hot
Let me kill a mate with every grenade
Viva las vegas, viva las vegas,
Viva, viva las vegas
PGR4 has gone gold...
I saw this at TeamXbox.
Bizarre Creations has posted a news release announcing that Project Gotham Racing 4 Has Gone Gold. Complete with a list of all included cars.
Blackwalt: 3, HOC: 0
Or, How to Throw a Grenade with Friendly Fire Turned On
So last night was a gaming night that probably shouldn't have happened. It started with Blackwalt and Stormblade attempting multiplayer in Overlord.
Then, our intrepid heroes decided to switch to 'Old Faithful' - Rainbow 6 Vegas.
This may have, in hindsight, been a bad decision. The comedy of errors began with our heroes starting a game that Revek joined. Both heroes were actively deriding Revek for being unable to work his headset, providing profanity-laced advice on how to fix the problem. Read more
Bio of a Team Killer
- [HOC] Blackwalt has committed suicide
[HOC] Moricerevek has been killed by a team mate
[HOC] Stormblade29 has been killed by a team mate
I confess. I killed them. It was me. I did it and they deserved it. All of them! Die! Die! Die! Read more
Halo 3 Missile Case Organizer
I want one yet...
Is it me or is this thing pretty much useless?
I mean its a cool looking case. It is a missile case. And its a Halo 3 themed missile case. And at $24.99 CDN it's not hugely expensive.
It is, however, small. It holds 5 games CDs, one controller, one headset. I assume you could cram more in or it could hold another controller instead of the headset (or technically, two headsets). It looks like it is designed for wireless controllers only - a wired controller would be a tight fit. Read more
R6V and me - Part II
As I have mentioned before, my aim in Vegas sucks. No two ways about it.
I decided to get home a little early yesterday (noon) to practice some more. I have been working my way through the single player mission quite nicely, thank you. I take cover, I aim, I kill. Everything's great.
So, 9:30 comes along and Blackwalt invites me for our nightly venture into mayhem. No problem, says I. I have been practicing. Read more
Need help finding something to do tonight
Guba has stated that she has work related research to do tonight and I will have to find something to do on my own.
Frankly, I am stumped.
No ideas at all.
If you have anything to suggest meet me on Xbox Live tonight around 9:30.
I am sure we can brainstorm and come up with a solution.
New gaming accessory!
Spotted this little puppy at Rogers on my way home tonight. In case you don't reconize it, it's an Xbox 360 Messenger kit. Basically a keyboard that clips onto your controller to allow easy texting. It's so new, it doesn't even have a price sticker yet ($34.99, btw). Looks pretty solid, and despite no lack of keyboards at my place, will definitely be added to my wish list. Seems to be getting favourable reviews, too. Too bad for Blackwalt it doesn't come in black.
Translation – by popular demand
Now available is The Herd of Cats Lexicon of Death where you can translate exactly what your Herd mates are trying to say to you.
No longer will we be dying due to miscommunication (Okay, accidental miscommunication), we well be working as a smoothly working Herd as we take out virtual terrorists by the boatload.
Anyone else get their Halo 3 preorder yet?
Got the call at home from Blockbuster this evening. Ran out the door as fast as I could. Drove to the mall like a maniac. Hit 3 pedestrians and a baby carriage on the way. Arrived there to find the store full of people laughing and pointing at me. I looked down and realized I was dressed only in my underwear. Then I suddenly woke up from my nap in a cold sweat...
A typical IM conversation, Take 2
Stormblade:Nah, everyone would just pick 'all of the above'
Blackwalt:Ceielings was my fav
Stormblade:I was partial to 'bigger isn't better'
Blackwalt:have to go walkies. back sometime Read more
If you're thinking of subscribing to Verizon's new cable tv or high-speed internet service, you might want to read this first.
There is the small matter of installation. When Verizon runs fiber to your house, the company needs to install a box on an inside wall. It was in drilling through a wall to connect that box to a fiber conduit that our installer hit an electrical wire. That knocked the power out and left our electrical box - and the front of the house - smoking. Read more
Likes long walk on the beach...
Here is a possible mate for Maurice...
Maybe she would even enjoy playing COD2 with him.... but would win...