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Akuf's blog

I am

By Akuf - Posted on 15 November 2009

Kind of intrigued by this:

Something for Everyone

By Akuf - Posted on 12 November 2009

In Modern Warfare 2

Blow dolls

I mean seriously?!?!?!?

Another Coxxorz Moment By Aku

By Akuf - Posted on 12 November 2009

Ok not really
But maybe another unethical dealing by Aku.

This is one for the record books....

Ok brief history of my MW2 ordering fiasco

Oct 18, 2009 - Coxxorz posts this sale. Of course I plan to stay up later than usual to try to get this and what happens I fall asleep. Only to wake up the next day seeing that they were sold out. They only had 200 copies apparently. Read more

Some people...

By Akuf - Posted on 12 November 2009

Have way too much time on their hands!

So seeing as I had the day off yesterday. After running a bunch of errands and chores I decided to play MW2 online in a FFA Deathmatch. When I got into a lobby I noticed there were some people that were already level 39! I mean holy crap do these guys sleep????. I achieved the first rank at least. But then a couple of my volleyball teammates came over and we went to sportsplex to practice.

How to open...

By Akuf - Posted on 11 November 2009

A bottle of wine without an opener....

As you all may obviously know I am some what of a wine connoisseur, and I have a professional two tier opener (could not find a good pic of one). Anyway, a lot of you common wine drinkers seem to have those crappy what I call twisty arm openers. Which makes opening a bottle almost as ridiculous as this: Read more


By Akuf - Posted on 02 November 2009

I was reading the Lexicon of Death and noticed there is an HOC Dictionary there.

For the outsiders coming to HoC I would recommend adding an English to Revekanese dictionary as well.


Another Coxxorz moment by Aku

By Akuf - Posted on 02 November 2009

Aku's Funnies....

By Akuf - Posted on 29 October 2009

A blonde watching the news hears that 2 Brazilian men died in a skydiving accident. She cries & says "oh my God how many is a brazilian?"

BSG: The Plan review

By Akuf - Posted on 27 October 2009

Let me start by stating this was MUCH better than BSG: Caprica.
WARNING: to certain members of HOC surprisingly there are a lot of soft porn scenes. You will need some screen cleaner...

Now back to the review....

Without revealing too much the movie was rather entertaining.
It took a lot unexplained things in the original series and kind of shed some light on it.
There was no special effect fiasco. It was more of filling the holes so to speak of the series. Read more

Bumblebee Costume!

By Akuf - Posted on 26 October 2009

He actually transforms!

Aku's funnies....

By Akuf - Posted on 25 October 2009

Lets test the way your mind works. thepenisinyourmouth. Did you read the pen is in your mouth?

For some reason..

By Akuf - Posted on 22 October 2009

I thought this should be posted here. If I were an unfaithful cat...

Mike Portnoy at the drummers festival...

By Akuf - Posted on 21 October 2009

For those of you who don't know who he is, [This is kinda forgivable] he's the drummer to Dream Theater, for those of you don't know who they are [shame on you go back to listening to Wilson Phillips, Britney Spears and hair spray bands] and arguably one the best if not the best drummers in world this is why.
Man I wish I had half that talent.
Part 1: Read more

FYI From Fungster88

By Akuf - Posted on 20 October 2009

At 8:00am, got to WalMart. Talk to the Eletronic department and no Borderlands in stock. Suggest me to ask the manager. Manager told they haven't received any new games, not just Borderlands.

Post it so that people won't just drive to WalMart south keys.

And this my friends

By Akuf - Posted on 19 October 2009

Is one of the main reasons I won't get married

fail owned pwned pictures

see more Epic Fails

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