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Akuf's blog


By Akuf - Posted on 30 March 2009

Microsoft is really getting innovative...
Ok granted it is PDP that is releasing this motion sensing Gametrak Freedom controller for the Xbox 360. But my hat is off them for thinking of something cool and new.

End Sarcasm

Watchmen Review

By Akuf - Posted on 30 March 2009

Fungster88 and I went to watch watchmen this past Sunday. And the following video should give you an Idea of what I thought of it. Also, it may shed some light as to why Swag and Revek liked it so much. Read more

WARNING! Latest NHL09 Update.

By Akuf - Posted on 29 March 2009

Greetings Folks,

The lastest update for NHL09 causes 'cache freezes' on the console.
You get the latest update you will need to 'clear the cache'
unfortunately this also clears the updates for all other games as well.

To clear the cache
My Xbox
System Settings
Select Memory
Press Y for Devices
on the next screen make sure you have 'rename' highlighted
then press X, X, Left Bumper, Right Bumper, X, X

I haven't found any kind of link describing this problem yet.
But the freezing stopped after I cleared the cache

Wii Price Going Up????

By Akuf - Posted on 24 March 2009

Well earlier in the month I thought there is a price cut on the horizon for the PS3 and Xbox 360. But apparently Nintendo is becoming a little greedy with raising their price of the Wii in the UK??

Interesting to see how that will impact everything.

The Frakkin End

By Akuf - Posted on 22 March 2009

Well those of you, who saw it will find this amusing Read more

Well now..

By Akuf - Posted on 22 March 2009

Here is something certain members of HoC can bid on.

Streaming Alternatives

By Akuf - Posted on 19 March 2009

Well I refuse to install vista.
But I have been trying to get the bloody streaming to work with XP.

I have had no luck doing it with Window Media Player.
So off to the web I went and found some of alternatives.
Now, I am wondering if anyone has tried these?

This is what I will be doing

By Akuf - Posted on 18 March 2009

As a lot of you know I am training for the crossfit games.
This is basically what I will be doing for them

The buddy there is much more advanced than I am this is what I am gunning for at the very least.

Gotta train harder... Read more

I wonder

By Akuf - Posted on 16 March 2009

If the writers of Cyanide and Happiness were in HoC recently?

Well now...

By Akuf - Posted on 15 March 2009

large eveil dead musical .jpg

My Statiscally significant other (aka chin up girl) came over this afternoon to go for a coffee @ buckies.
Though I was busy composing the dancing with succubi (writing a song), she once again says I want to show you something so I (eyes rolling) said ok.

She said we should go see this, this week. Well of course I LOLed because for some reason I thought of HoC night out I just won't tell you guys when we go see it.

Ok off to buckies.

Does anyone else

By Akuf - Posted on 12 March 2009

Smell a price drop coming?

Many retailers have the 360 on sale for $40-$50 off.
In past history this usually means a price drop is on the horizon.

The rumour mill also predicts a $100 price drop for the PS3 in April.

That is it!

By Akuf - Posted on 11 March 2009

I have lost total respect for Ubisoft.

Chin up girl came over last night (at midnight) to reconcile our differences.
So we made up and the whole Valentines day/March 14th came up again.

Though nothing really came out of it.

She asked if she could use my computer because she wanted to show me something. She goes to amazon and tells me she is going to get me this for March 14th.

I told her well that is one expensive coaster. Read more

Aku's Twister Party

By Akuf - Posted on 09 March 2009

Well seeing as you have to be an admin to have an event posted on the front page.
I am taking the other route.

Here is the event
I am sure after the demolition party @ QBert's there will be much fun here.
All those who have not been injured @ the demo party. You are more than welcome to join.
Just be aware this is NOT your typical LAN party this is a house party.


Well I am glad

By Akuf - Posted on 04 March 2009

I have you guys as friends... Read more

I have found it!!

By Akuf - Posted on 01 March 2009

The perfect thing for Revek, Swag, Noir and perhaps a few others that I am not really sure about.

I will not post a link here because it is not SFW nor family friendly.
But do a search for Red Light Center and watch the tour (click the button in the middle).

Sumo Girl introduced me to this. It is basically an adult oriented MMORPG.

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