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SeanmcR6's blog

Appropriate content

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 14 September 2015

Finally beat, the second time around.

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 09 August 2015

Seems starting with a Goliath, and being equipped with the Blunderbuss AND the trident did the trick. The Blunderbuss does soooo much damage, he had just turned red and one shot POW.

After that I made it until round 24 where I got greedy for a Reload. Greed always ends in death!

Anyway, after finishing that game I received a notice that I completed the story and unlocked a new end story cinematic. It was pretty slick, Lilith even had a flame thrower!


Sooooo close

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 25 July 2015

Well, what to do when everyone else is at the beach or camping? Play solo I guess.

Ohm & Pryatek, no special grenades.

End of level 29, 2 dozen zombies left and swarming me outside of med bay...teleported to safety only to realize I was infected and had 5 seconds to live :( made to moon pool but died 10 ft from the decontamination pads!

Sooooo close to lvl 30 :( Read more

You expect us to do what??

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 17 June 2015

I love a good challenge. Tough challenges are awesome. It's one of the reasons I like gaming.


Having learned what's required to finish the Carrier map in Exo Zombies, I have to say goes beyond a challenging requirements for level/game completion. I have to believe these steps must be leaked to the hardcore COD video bloggers. A nugget. A hint. Something must be leaked for this workflow to be flushed out. The steps are so random. You'd think the HoC clan would be good at it. Sadly, it's not OUR kind of random. Read more

Fallout 4? Finally?

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 02 June 2015

i knew 666 was the magic number

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 23 May 2015

YAY photo DSC_0001_zpsw88eyrss.jpg

When Graybush dies

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 12 May 2015

and you're the last one left... Read more

COD Black Ops III - Zombies anyone?

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 09 April 2015

And the BO3 teaser

Spot on

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 09 April 2015

Was this posted before? I feel like it has, but still worth a repost if so.

Of course, we don't play COD anymore so...NSFW for language

Exo Boring

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 28 January 2015

I wish I had time to do some screen caps and write up a review...but here's my thoughts on Exo Zombies posted as a comment on Kotaku's write up

Boring. That's how I describe Exo Zombies.

My clan and I have been huge fans of the previous Zombie content in COD games. Some of the clan only play zombies. We all agree the one key addition to the game that makes it so enjoyable to play, over and over and over, is the side mission(s). There is a goal or achievement. Something to do other than "just survive". Otherwise it's no different than survival/horde mode. Some people like that I suppose, but I find it boring. I only played exo survival mode to get to the zombie map. Once I had reached that achievement, I didn't feel the need to play it anymore and I haven't since.

Dying Light

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 13 January 2015

Dibs on Rose McGowan

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 19 December 2014

Sorry Blackwalt, but I call dibs...

Seriously, are there any positive reviews out there?

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 14 October 2014

Thankfully, it's Borderlands day today! Except for us suckers who pre-ordered it and have to wait on Canada's second shittiest company, Canada Post. Then Friday is Borderlands day.

Funny cause it's true.

Well, that was quick!

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 26 September 2014

The return of the loot cave...

BEST Destiny review yet.

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 24 September 2014

He hits all the key points. It's a game totally designed to make $$$ with DLC. Activision has learned their business lesson well with DLC in COD games.

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