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SeanmcR6's blog

My review of RAGE

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 08 October 2011

Ok, so I just completed the single player campaign (on hard) of RAGE for the 360. Since there are varying reviews on the game, I thought I would post my review in case any of you are debating picking this game up.

***possible spoiler alert..if you're really anal, but I'm not giving anything big away***

BF3 is going to SUCK

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 07 October 2011

"I can't make any broad statements about the technical sturdiness of Battlefield 3, other than to express the doubts raised by my experiences at yesterday's demo. I sat down and spent an entire day playing a game that consistently froze and crashed, booting me to the desktop, where I had to reconnect using its odd browser interface. Several times I would start a match, get an enemy in my sights and kill him… only to have his body do a lag-freeze and refuse to go down before being dropped back to the desktop. Read more

MW3 Survival Mode gameplay footage

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 04 October 2011

Here is some actual gameplay footage of survival mode. I like it! Like horde mode basically...but with better weapons =D

Anyone want my pre-order of Battlefield 3? I really didn't like the beta I played so I'll be dumping this game....

You should get the Hardened's why

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 28 September 2011

I've already pre-ordered my Hardened Edition...but this morning I get an email reaffirming to me why it was a good idea. More specifically, all that you get.

"Boasting multiplayer maps, memberships, in-game unlockables, and a one-of-a-kind book bound by Call of Duty Modern Warfare's untold secrets, the "Hardened Edition" is the definitive experience for the Call of Duty fan. The MW3 Hardened Edition includes a 1-Year Call of Duty Elite membership and Founder status."

Worldwide Zombie map

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 28 September 2011


So here is a map of the world zombie saturation....

We're f*cked!

Eat Doritos, earn double XP

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 27 September 2011

I have a serious problem with COD3 has partnered with Pepsico and is doing a promo where you can eat Doritos and drink mountain dew and enter codes online to give you double XP (15 minutes at a time - gameplay time)

I don't like mountain dew, although I do love Doritos....I don't agree with having external promotions that effect your in-game experience. Especially those that cost money.

Am I overreacting or do you agree?

My online resume....

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 18 September 2011

So I've posted a short video "resume" of my recent I'm beginning to agressively apply for jobs back home.

I'd love some feedback.

NOTE...there is nothing really NSFW in the vid, but there are some bikini babes.


What Jon likes....

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 14 September 2011

What Jon Likes

See...I told you all Jon wouldn't notice this change....


By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 12 September 2011

Rogers admits to "Throttling" online games

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 12 September 2011

Seriously....go to hell Rogers.

Maybe some of my issues are because Shaw is doing the same thing?! They should have to TELL you when they are throttling your connection....

Battlefield 3 trailer

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 09 September 2011

This game certainly looks more realistic than MW3! But that's always been my issue with the franchise. I find it impossible to shoot and kill in this game using my 720p plasma. The one time I played it on a 50' 1080 was much, much better....I'll probably buy it anyway ;)

New MW3 multiplayer video...

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 08 September 2011

Man....I LOVE the sounds of this game...and the visuals. I think I'm going to need 2 days off for the launch.

sigh, still no embed...

More on MW3

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 02 September 2011

Modern Warfare 3's New Strike Packages and Pointstreaks

Before I get into the meat of what Strike Packages mean for Modern Warfare 3, say goodbye to the killstreak. And say hello to pointstreaks, all 28 of them. No longer will player kills be the only way to build up streaks. Sure, kills still count, but in MW3, completing objectives in gametypes like Capture the Flag and Seek and Destroy will reward players with points they can cash in to call in recon drones, attack helicopters, sentries and other power-ups. Kill assists count toward pointstreak numbers too, letting supporting players, not just the dominant virtual marksman have all the fun.

Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling explained the change at Call of Duty XP, saying "the killstreak system was optimized for one game type: Team Deathmatch." Now, players will be rewarded more handsomely for actually completing each gametype's objectives.

New MW3 multiplayer preview video

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 02 September 2011

wow...looks ah-sum :)

PS, why can't I embed youtube html code in blog posts?

Hacker Module for the Moon map in Rezurrection.

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 24 August 2011


Found this little extra gem while tooling around the Moon map by myself. It's a hacker module.

Untitled from Sean McLennan on Vimeo. Read more

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