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SeanmcR6's blog

Dibs on Athena!

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 18 September 2014

I've been at level 21 for 3 days now and I'm not finding ANY legendary stuff and therefore cannot increase my characters level. I've done about 3 solid hours of farming. Nothing but useless uncommon weapons/armor. I did a hard daily strike last night. Look us almost an hour to defeat, I got 3 vanguard points and 100 vanguard rep. 3! In order to buy legendary armour (to increase rank) I need to reach vanguard level 2. That requires 2000 reputation and around 125 points. So I would need to complete 20 Hard strikes. At 2 a day, that's 10 days. To earn enough to buy ONE piece of armour. And that's for hard strikes/challenges. Regular gameplay is only pays out a half of that.

More Destiny....unusualness

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 16 September 2014

Soooo, one of the Achievements is complete a strike with your fire team being only people from your clan. I didn't get this achievement even though we completed a strike last night so today i went searching.

Apparently, joining the HoC group isn't enough. I received an invite form Pwncall and once accepted, he or Blackwalt made me an admin. However, this doesn't mean I was in the clan apparently.

For Graybush

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 16 September 2014 it time?

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 26 August 2014

Free shipping, nice graphics and big hard drive.

I'm contemplating the move for COD this round. I know Graybush already has a One...any chance Blackwalt? Should we start a bottle drive or car wash to raise funds?

New COD Advanced Warefare MP footage

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 11 August 2014

#@$%@#$^%@$# this makes me want the game! See, just like hollywood, the trailer is better than the game!! BTW, anyone else notice the slight lag in a couple spots? Think this game's going to be even more ping dependant....

How DLC was born...

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 15 July 2014

Alien: Isolation

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 10 July 2014

I'm really looking forward to this game. Also the first time I've tried PwnCall's BestBuy preorder....better work out!

FPS multiplayer...for FREE

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 06 July 2014

So's Batman. Why am "I" the only bringing this forward?

While we wait for the next DLC drop for Ghosts...why not play this MP game? It's free and it's about Batman. Need I say more?


By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 17 June 2014

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15 minutes of new Borderlands

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 27 May 2014

Borderlands P{re-Sequel.

I have to admit, I'm stoked for this game. It would have pushed me to pick up an Xbox One...but it's only for current gen consoles! Love it!

For those times....

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 14 May 2014

When you're not sure how you feel about something.

like getting to see Charlize Theron naked.... but in the movie Monster.

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Xbox One sans Kinect - $399. June 9th.

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 13 May 2014

Frank Underwood is finally the President

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 02 May 2014

House of Cards season 3 or new COD?

Should be called Living in Alberta...

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 28 April 2014

Titan Drop Incoming - My Review

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 26 March 2014

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Remember a few months ago, when I said I was done with PC gaming? Well, Blackwalt was kind enough to gift me a 360 controller for PC and in the interest of putting it to good use, I bought Titanfall for PC last night. Here are my thoughts after 8 hours of gameplay. Read more

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