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SeanmcR6's blog

Sooo...I won't be online for a while

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 06 February 2012

You can almost see where my xbox is.....


Lost everything I own last night....including my Founder's card!!!! sigh..even the jokes don't make me feel better.

Anyway, see you guys online hopefully in a month or two.

Why I don't play PC games anymore

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 03 February 2012

THIS is precisely why.....

AIMBOT hack? Really? I would honestly get bored of playing a game with this hack after the first week....

This about sums it up....

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 26 January 2012


BF3 still sucks...

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 24 January 2012

It has begun.....

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 16 January 2012


no longer science fiction.

I, for one, am happy we've been training. I think I'm going to play Dead Island tonight....


By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 05 January 2012


No real date yet....but this is good news. If it's not news to you, why didn't you tell me!!!

On a side note, traded in the last 15 games I have played. Didn't realize until I got back to work...but I traded in Black Ops. So no more zombies for me I guess :/

On the plus special edition of Mass Effect 3 is fully paid :)

12 things I hate about MW3...the xmas song

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 26 December 2011

lol...I like dual FNG9s!

PS...skip to 3:23 to just the whole song in one go...

Same old, same old

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 21 December 2011

So, it's not just happening to me ;)

Apparently, this issue I've having with putting a full clip into people and them not dying has been documented by several other people on YouTube

here's one vid:

There are a couple tip videos to overcome said lag.

1. Disable Theatre mode. Several people suggest this, but your games won't be recorded. Not an issue for me as I have my own recording..and the theatre recording is crap anyway. Read more

I'm back...

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 01 December 2011

and I see you've all been busy in MW3. So now I have some catching up to do...

So, let me start off by posting a new MW3 vid...with the Noob and the Vet. This one is much more dialogue, less effect and much more swearing. I liked it.

It's like playing with Blackwalt really....I need a high five every once and a while man xD Read more

Prestige....level 1

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 17 November 2011

So, here's what I learned by Prestige-ing in MW3.


First, same as previous games, you lose everything except your current title and emblem, and custom games (If you've made any) You also keep all your "accolades" but all the challenges, etc are also reset. Read more

HoC clan is created in Elite

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 15 November 2011

FINALLY able to get into connect and snatched up HoC before someone else did.

Strangely, the only friends I could invite to the clan were pwn call, graybush and hardwood. Although Blackwalt et all show up in my friends list. Perhaps you guys haven't activated your Elite yet? Hopefully...cause that would be a simple solution.

Once you guys join the clan, I can make you all admins... Oh and I had to "donate" 500XP when I joined...if it asked you too, you should do so as well since our "clan XP" unlocks all sorts of cool crap for us Read more

There is more to the guns in MW3 than first thought....

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 15 November 2011

So, my Elite is finally working. Pretty much. Some of the info is in German....but otherwise, I have access to MOST of what elite will provide.

Since playing last night and experiencing (many) occasions where the enemy seems to drop us when we couldn't drop them, I ventured into the IMPROVE section to get the skinny on the guns.

To my surprise, there is a LOT of information about the weapons, perks, tactical items, etc. Basically, everything MW3 said you'd get with Elite, but it was nice to find it all. Mostly. Read more

Half a Billion freakn dollars in ONE day....

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 14 November 2011

This will pretty much be my last post about MW3.

I have no sympathy for any glitches, failures or hiccups for MW3.

Half a billion dollars should more than be enough to ensure our gaming experience is the BEST on the planet. No Excuses. Buy Cisco if you have can afford it.

$483 million....good god

Activision having troubles

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 08 November 2011

Thankfully, these issues aren't effecting gameplay, just the Elite program/server. However, I don't buy their excuse that there were more registrants than they expected. They had pre-order numbers, they new how many copies op the game was going out there....


EB Games is the worst company

By SeanmcR6 - Posted on 08 November 2011

In the world!!

Stood in line since 10:30.:::at 5 to midnight, a dude comes out and says we need a sticker on our receipt. No sticker, you need to form a new line.

Apparently, they were letting people come in between 6 and 11...yes, go through the computer system before hand. So even if you've paid in full, and you have the receipt, they need to put you through the computer.


So I'm still in the store....and nothing is moving cause their debit is down....

What a fuckn gong show.

Also, 2 people working behind the counter... Read more

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