OMFG - Dell 24" monitor for $499!
This is the lowest price I've ever seen for this monitor. And before anyone whines about how they've seen cheaper 24" LCDs made by Company X from Kamchatka, check the model number. This is the Dell ULTRASHARP - top of the line, baby.
Just add this $699 bad boy to your cart, and enter coupon code KMBSCN39RXNX04.
WTF? Did Hell freeze over?
And its got nothing to do with the Stanley Cup this time
Microsoft to Japan, "Sorry we sold out" but seriously, who would have thought?
Supposedly Tales of Vesperia is to blame.
The official statement is here.
Yes, the Xbox 360 is sold out in the entire country of Japan.
I wasn't planning on buying Too Human until I read this
Although I didn't realize St. Catharines needed saving so badly
Kotaku has a write up on Too Human which among other things talks about its origins in St. Catharines, Ontario.
Hey! Wait a sec! That's where I grew up! In fact the Silicon Knight's office building is one kilometre from my sister's office on King Street. My sister owns her own office building (house) in downtown St. Catharines. Something I (and my family) are pretty proud of. Of course, she's the smart one in the family.
I've found my new best friend
I wasn't that attached to Stormblade or Coxxorz anyway
- Hello NS2000, my new friend,
I've come to kill with you again,
Because a enemy softly creeping,
Took my flag while I was sleeping,
And the noob that was planted on my team
Still remains
Within the sound of shotguns.
- with apologies to Simon and Garfunkel. I'm really, really sorry. I mean that. Sorry.
Xbox Put, a sport I can get into
This absolutely just made my day, probably my week frankly.
As a matter of fact I hope they put this in the Olympics one day because I was really damn good at shot-put back in school.
More Overlord!
Gotta love more EVIL!
I enjoyed the original Overlord so i can't wait for more.
Two news items were announced this week:
- Codemasters announced three new titles for 2009
- Overlord II
- Overlord Dark Legend
- Overlord Minions
- Overlord II
See, Kiddies ...
This is what happens if you don't behave!
Here's another one...
Happened last night...
BSOD during Olympics!!
Now this is a classic moment in Micro$oft history...
Paradise City Cagney Update
Has anyone else tried to get it and be successful??
I have cleared the cache which is huge pain, as it wipes out all of your game update patches.
This is the Olympic spirit
He got a standing ovation.
This is the same drive that makes me play with you guys even though I am completely out-classed.
Life with Dyslexia
Life with Dyslexia can sometimes be interesting. While perusing the stories on Digg, I came accross this one: China Launches Its First Chicken Manure-Biogas Plant.
When I first read it, I saw: China Launches Its First Chicken Manure-Burgers Plant. Yummy.