I leanered myself a new trick!
Today, while watching my cat clean himself, I was inspired to try it myself, and have discovered that I am very flexible! Now, I no longer need to put peanut butter and call the cat, as I can do it myself.
As a side not, maybe it is time that I change my password from something that everybody knows.
GamesThirst: Xbox 360 has become a force
Positive Xbox coverage? Excellent.
Games Thirst brings us the following article, Xbox 360 Has Become A Force To Be Reckoned With.
Dante's Inferno: Dev Diary - Violence
This game is looking better all the time (see I can promote my games too, because there are games out there that don't have co-op and are still good).
So how can you really have a level based on Violence in a game where you are basically killing stuff in hell? Just watch!
And the art direction in this game so far is brilliant. Makes me cry.
Future Fail Modern Warfare 2: Part Deux
Thankfully I missed the Q-bert post whore rush, otherwise this story would have been lost in oblivion.
So as some of you may remember, I pre-ordered MW2 at Future shop (can't seem to find the link to my post for some reason) for 49.99 but was charged the full price because of a server time stamp error. Read more
What the hell kind of a top ten list is this ?
The Guardian in the UK issued their Top Ten Xbox360 Games list. Methinks they are out to lunch. FIFA 10 ? Forza Motorsport 3 ?
The only game I agree with on this list is Borderlands. BTW, when are we getting together to play Borderlands again ? My Hunter needs help defeating Skagzilla.
Is it me or do Engineers get all the girls ?
If you are like me and can't wait for Mass Effect 2, you may want to play the Engineer character when it comes out.
Check it out.
Shocking! Xbox360 has a 60% failure rate!
Why I'd rather be punched in the testicles than call customer service
Mozilla Thunderbird now coded to surrender
Thanks France!
- A new email client unveiled by Mozilla this week contains code from an unusual source -- the French military, which decided the open source product was more secure than Microsoft's rival Outlook.
Full story available at The Sydney Morning Herald.
How to fire someone in Gotham City
How-To: Make a Left 4 Dead Level using Google Sketchup
I'm starting to look forward to Army of Two: 40th Day.
After all, I did enjoy the first Army of Two
Army of Two: 40th Day is due January 2010. And, kind of strangely, I am looking forward to it's cooperative experience.
The latest video released is a "handy-cam" shot view of Shanghai being destroyed. It's available after the jump.
Swag's Classic Clip: Natalie Portman - SNL Gansta Rap
I am posting this more for a certain HoC member who buys streak at the LCBO.
Crazy viral ad for Epson
Totally awesome CRAZY!
Strap on a projector, a PS3 (boo), and a lot of batteries to become Totally Awesome Projectorman!
They even came up with a lot of cool locations for him to project.
Adventures of Aku
Episode: Carded at LCBO
This is just a funny story.
I go to the LCBO following the beginning of the 2009-2010 ice age.
To get a bottle of wine and a steak
I get to the cash
LCBO Girl is probably 25 tops
LCBO Girl: Can I see your ID?
*Typical Aku eyebrow and smirk*
* hand over Driver's license *
Me: Are you just checking to see if you are old enough to date me?
*Laughter all around*
Even Older LCBO Girl was laughing
*LCBO Girl Beat Red*
I sign credit card bill
Hand over and gave her one of Aku's 'bachelor cards'
And said: You don't have to be shy with me. Read more